Course Overview

Select a week below to begin watching the course videos.

Week 1 - The Atmosphere and Climate

This week will guide learners through the basic concepts of how satellites acquire data about the atmosphere, and provide an introduction to Atmospheric science

Week 2 – Atmospheric Chemistry, GHGs, and Ozone

This week will look in more depth at the role and methodologies of EO in atmospheric monitoring with a focus on ozone and GHGs.

Week 3 – Monitoring air quality and health, and supporting policy

This week will look at how satellite EO is used as a critical part of monitoring and predicting global and local air quality, and supporting policy.

Week 4 – Atmospheric dynamics and long-range pollution transport

This week will delve into more detailed case studies on how atmospheric EO is enabling critical observations of how constituents of the atmosphere and pollutants move around the globe and within the atmosphere’s layers.‍

Week 5 - Covid-19 Atmospheric Study

This week looks at the ICOVAC impact study of COVID-19 lockdown measures on air quality and climate