Topic 1h - Part 3 - Hands-on tutorial: How to average in time and space Sentinel-5p Level 2 data using Atmospheric Toolbox
In the last part of the Tutorial, you will create a temporary averaged NO₂ map using "wildcards". In Python, wildcards are a symbol used to replace or represent one or more characters - e.g. an asterics (*) which is used to specify any number of characters. This lets you apply a function to multiple files.
For this tutorial you will complete the following three steps:
- Import all Sentinel-5p NO₂ Level 2 data and regrid into a common grid by applying relevent operations
- Create a temporally averaged merged product by applying 'reduce_operations()' to the 'harp.import_product()' function
- Plot with Visan using 'wplot()' function
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- Dr Anu-Maija Sundström, Research Scientist, FMI
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