Topic 5e - Summary of Findings
The ICOVAC project is currently still running, but has so far found some very interesting findings, and has also shown that there is a very good correspondence between space based observations and ground based observations, which gives added confidence that satellite instruments are taking very accurate measurements.
In this video Andreas Richter, Bas Mijling and Christophe Lerot summarise the ICOVAC findings.
Featured Educators:
- Dr Andreas Richter, Senior Scientist, University of Bremen
- Dr Christophe Lerot, Remote Sensing Scientist, BIRA-IASB
- Dr Bas Mijling, Air Quality Scientist, KNMI
Thanks to all of the contributing scientists for self-filming during the COVID-19 lockdown.
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Featured Videos and Animations

Nitrogen dioxide emissions over China
This animation, using data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, shows the nitrogen dioxide emissions from 20 December 2019 until 16 March 2020, a dip in emissions in late-January is visible, coinciding with the nationwide quarantine
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Coronavirus: nitrogen dioxide emissions drop over Italy
Data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite reveal the decline of air pollution, specifically nitrogen dioxide emissions, over Italy.
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Sentinel-5p Animation
Sentinel-5 Precursor – also known as Sentinel-5P – is the first Copernicus mission dedicated to monitoring our atmosphere.
ESA/ATG medialab
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Sentinel-5p offers daily coverage
The Sentinel-5P satellite carries the state-of-the-art Tropomi instrument to map a multitude of trace gases such as nitrogen dioxide, ozone, formaldehyde, sulphur dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide and aerosols. With a swath width of 2600 km, it maps the entire planet every day.
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